Research Roundup
Research roundup: June 2024 edition

Factors that increase risk for deep or nonpalpable implant, 12-hour vs. 24-hour mifepristone-misoprostol interval, and two studies reinforcing the safety and efficacy of no-test medication abortion.

27 days ago
Research Roundup
Research roundup: April 2024 edition

A patient-centered decision aid for tubal sterilization counseling, IUD self-removal experiences, and counseling about pain and medication abortion.

3 months ago
Research roundup: February 2024 edition

Abortion information on TikTok, doxy-PEP effectiveness in cis-gendered women; new data on UPA-EC and implant insertion; and a survey of pain with IUD insertion.

5 months ago
Research roundup
Research roundup: 2023 highlights

Highlighting one notable research article from each Research Roundup in 2023.

7 months ago
Research Roundup
Research roundup: October 2023 edition

Pain management in abortion care, risk of Rh sensitization with abortion before 12 weeks’ gestation, contraception information on TikTok, and more.

9 months ago
Shop talk
Extended Contraceptive Access

Answers for health care providers about prescribing extended contraception supplies.

about 1 month ago
Shop Talk
Birth control after abortion

Answers for health care providers about birth control options after abortion.

3 months ago
Shop talk
Does body weight change the effectiveness of birth control?

Taking a patient-centered approach to talking about body weight and birth control effectiveness.

5 months ago
Shop Talk
Can EC pills be used multiple times in the same cycle?

Answers for providers to the most frequently asked questions about repeated EC doses.

8 months ago
Shop Talk
Pharmacists and mifepristone

Answers for pharmacists (and other providers) about the current status of getting mifepristone at a pharmacy.

9 months ago
Research Roundup
Research roundup: May 2024 edition

Patient characteristics of IUD placement under sedation, two studies on EC efficacy, substance use and anxiety among patients seeking an abortion, and genital herpes prevalence.

about 2 months ago
Research Roundup
Research roundup: March 2024 edition

OTC birth control pill self-selection, adherence, and interest; IUD expulsion risks; and IUD and implant side effects.

4 months ago
Research Roundup
Research roundup: January 2024 edition

Young people’s concerns about birth control and fertility, expanding EPT and PrEP in the ED, spike in EC demand around the New Year, and abortion decision making.

6 months ago
Research Roundup
Research roundup: November 2023 edition

Pain management during procedural abortion, serum etonogestrel levels not associated with mood changes during implant use, and clinical considerations when patients are traveling for abortion care.

8 months ago
Research Roundup
Research roundup: September 2023 edition

Patients' preferences for contraceptive educational materials, management of missing IUD strings and migrated IUDs, and providers’ perspectives on how to improve contraceptive counseling.

10 months ago
Shop Talk
Incubators and accelerators: Growing ideas for sexual and reproductive health projects

What you need to know to develop and scale your SRH innovations.

2 months ago
Shop talk
What providers need to know about Opill—the first over-the-counter birth control pill

Talk to your patients about the new OTC birth control pill with answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

5 months ago
Shop Talk
What is patient-centered contraceptive counseling?

What providers need to know about patient-centered contraceptive counseling and how to put it into practice.

6 months ago
Shop Talk
Sexual and reproductive health care for people living with substance use disorders

Unique challenges to accessing and opportunities for improved integration of sexual and reproductive health care.

9 months ago
Shop Talk
Trauma-informed care is respectful care

A practical guide for providers to provide trauma-informed physical examinations.

11 months ago
