Adolescents and young adults deserve guidance from clinicians about contraception, and clinicians deserve the latest information about how to best serve this population. Bedsider.org provides a fun, creative, easy way for older adolescents and young adults to explore and compare contraceptive options. I tell my adolescent and young adult patients that one very important category of options, long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), provides THE most effective birth control in a manner that is “forgettable” and easy.
I had the pleasure of editing a supplement to the Journal of Adolescent Health that provides reviews from experts on LARC contraception (LARC supplement). The following reviews are available free online:
What is LARC? And Why Does it Matter for Adolescents and Young Adults
Editorial — PJA HillardCounseling Adolescents About Contraception: Towards the Development of an Evidence-Based Protocol for Contraceptive Counselors
Counseling — J Jaccard & N LevitzMyths and Misconceptions About Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
Myths — JA Russo, E Miller, MA GoldIntrauterine Devices and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Among Adolescents
IUDs and PID — S Carr & E EspeyDual Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives and Condoms Among Adolescents
Dual Use — RL Williams & JD FortenberryAwareness of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Among Teens and Young Adults
LARC Awareness — SB Teal & SE RomerPractical Tips for Intrauterine Devices Use in Adolescents
Practical Tips — PJA HillardThe Effect of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception on Rapid Repeat Pregnancy in Adolescents: A Review
Rapid Repeat — Pregnancies MK Baldwin & AB EdelmanUse of Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System for Medical Indications in Adolescents
Medical Indications for LNG-IUS — LL Bayer & PJA HillardCost as a Barrier to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive (LARC) Use in Adolescents
Cost as a Barrier — D Eisenberg, C McNicholas, & JF Peipert