And check out new survey data from Power to Decide on young people’s access to birth control information

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New flexible IUD expands options for highly effective, non-hormonal birth control

How providers can take a patient-centered approach.

Pro tips for providers to address misinformation and celebrate birth control and everything it makes possible this Thanks, Birth Control Day.

New study highlights how providers and parents can improve reproductive well-being with trusted information.

Factors that increase risk for deep or nonpalpable implant, 12-hour vs. 24-hour mifepristone-misoprostol interval, and two studies reinforcing the safety and efficacy of no-test medication abortion.

Double dosing UPA for EC not needed for BMI > 30kg/m2, postpartum implant placement and milk supply, mifepristone to increase efficacy of medication management of EPL.

Clinical trial data on a new IUD, clinical guidance on self-managed abortion, the impact of the ACA on reproductive health, and CDC’s abortion surveillance data.

LNG-IUD and the risk of gynecologic and breast cancers, contraception and body weight, and preferred ways to get hormonal birth control.

U.S. MEC and U.S. SPR, standard dosing of UPA EC for people of all body sizes, birth control information on TikTok, and safety of medication abortion without screening ultrasound.

Answers for health care providers about prescribing extended contraception supplies.

New and updated guidance on the initiation and management of contraception, including pain management options for IUD placement, support for DMPA-SQ, and new conditions and methods added.

Answers for healthcare providers on routes of misoprostol administration and what they mean for medication abortion care.

What providers need to know about the 2024 YouR HeAlth Survey to improve contraception and abortion access for young people.

How health care providers can support improved access to this important birth control method.

Patient characteristics of IUD placement under sedation, two studies on EC efficacy, substance use and anxiety among patients seeking an abortion, and genital herpes prevalence.

Clinical guidance on early pregnancy loss and SMA, safety of outpatient abortion for people with higher body weights, and how to document first-trimester ultrasound findings.

Intrauterine mepivacaine for IUD placement, the impact of abortion restrictions on medical training, pregnancy of unknown location and very early medication abortion, and navigating abortion misinformation

Ongoing support for forgoing Rh testing in early pregnancy, medication abortion before six weeks, provider bias on contraceptive counseling adolescents, and local anesthesia before procedural abortion.

Doctor-messengers are valuable communicators about abortion, impact of the shot on medication abortion efficacy, common misconceptions about IUDs, and precoital EC.

What you need to know to develop and scale your SRH innovations.