Here at Bedsider Providers, we are thankful for everything that birth control makes possible all year round, but this week we get to hear from all of you about why you are thankful for birth control. Check out some of our favorites:
1. Birth control—for you and your patients
##ThxBirthControl for getting me through high school, college, grad school, med school, residency, fellowship, and beyond! Now ‘m trained to help others achieve their dreams through reproductive agency and bodily autonomy. ##BirthControlMakesDreamsComeTrue ##BirthControlSavesLives
— Gabriela Aguilar, MD, MPH (she/her) (@drgabbyaguilar) November 18, 2020
2. Mask up in style
ICYMI, sign up for our email newsletter for a discount on Thanks, Birth Control swag (including masks!), patient educational materials, and more.
3. 99% of people with a uterus will use birth control in their lifetime
Did you catch her on Power to Decide's PowerTalk? For those who missed it or want to watch this amazing ##ThxBirthControl conversation again, check it out on Facebook here!
4. Thank YOU, Bedsider Providers!
##ThxBirthControl for allowing me to plan my family and my career. Thanks to all of the providers who ensure access to essential health services, including contraception, every day! ##Igot2kidsandadog ##MyRightSizeFamily ##DoctorMom @powertodecide pic.twitter.com/1D9Kjq7S9v
— Dr. Raegan (@DrRaegan) November 18, 2020
5. Birth control is essential health care
##ThxBirthControl for providing options for my patients. You prevent pregnancy and manage a variety of medical conditions that interrupt or disrupt their lives. You are an essential part of comprehensive reproductive health access, which every young person needs.
— Rebekah Fenton, MD (@RFentonMD) November 18, 2020
6. There is no one size fits all birth control method, good thing we've got options!
7. Cancer prevention
8. Expert GIF usage
I&##39;m saying ##ThxBirthControl today because it makes so much possible for individuals and society. Everyone deserves affordable, accessible contraception. Learn more @Bedsider @powertodecide pic.twitter.com/nBK6sIKNGX
— Dr Drew (@drdrew) November 18, 2020
9. More than pregnancy prevention
10. Help managing fibroid pain and bleeding
11. ##girlboss
I conquered my dreams thanks to birth control. Seriously. ##GirlBoss ##ThxBirthControl
— Dr. Meadow Maze Good, DO, FACOG (@MeadowGood) November 19, 2020
12. Pregnant on your own terms and timeline
13. We see you rocking the t-shirt!
##ThxBirthControl for letting me create my own timeline for starting a family. For empowering my patients to plan their futures the way they want to. For letting me roam the world in this outfit. Thank you to all providers who provide essential ##familyplanning services every day. pic.twitter.com/w80HeUXX5N
— Jessica Lu, MD (@JessLuMD) November 18, 2020