Managing IUD insertion painWhat providers need to know for counseling patients and managing their pain during IUD insertion.

What providers need to know for counseling patients and managing their pain during IUD insertion.
read the full article »Research roundup: February 2023 editionSupport for safety and efficacy of self-managed misoprostol-only medication abortion, medication abortion information on TikTok, and the impact of the shot and IUDs on vaginal flora.

Support for safety and efficacy of self-managed misoprostol-only medication abortion, medication abortion information on TikTok, and the impact of the shot and IUDs on vaginal flora.
read the full article »Research roundup: November 2022 editionHealth care provider misconceptions about birth control as an abortifacient, a comprehension study of an over-the-counter combination birth control pill label, an updated Consensus from ACOG on menstrual suppression, and the effect of state-level abortion restrictions on early pregnancy loss management.

Health care provider misconceptions about birth control as an abortifacient, a comprehension study of an over-the-counter combination birth control pill label, an updated Consensus from ACOG on menstrual suppression, and the effect of state-level abortion restrictions on early pregnancy loss management.
read the full article »Clinical Minute: Which IUD is it? How to identify what IUD your patient is using without removing it.

How to identify what IUD your patient is using without removing it.
read the full article »Which IUD should I get?A quick guide to the five IUDs currently available in the US and tips for counseling your patients on their IUD options.

A quick guide to the five IUDs currently available in the US and what providers needs to know for counseling.
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