Articles tagged with 'research'

  • Research roundup: January 2025 edition
    Clinical guidance on early pregnancy loss and SMA, safety of outpatient abortion for people with higher body weights, and how to document first-trimester ultrasound findings.
    Clinical guidance on early pregnancy loss and SMA, safety of outpatient abortion for people with higher body weights, and how to document first-trimester ultrasound findings.
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  • Research roundup: December 2024 edition
    Clinical trial data on a new IUD, clinical guidance on self-managed abortion, the impact of the ACA on reproductive health, and CDC’s abortion surveillance data.
    Clinical trial data on a new IUD, clinical guidance on self-managed abortion, the impact of the ACA on reproductive health, and CDC’s abortion surveillance data.
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  • Research roundup: November 2024 edition
    Intrauterine mepivacaine for IUD placement, the impact of abortion restrictions on medical training, pregnancy of unknown location and very early medication abortion, and navigating abortion misinformation
    Intrauterine mepivacaine for IUD placement, the impact of abortion restrictions on medical training, pregnancy of unknown location and very early medication abortion, and navigating abortion misinformation
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  • Research roundup: October 2024 edition
    LNG-IUD and the risk of gynecologic and breast cancers, contraception and body weight, and preferred ways to get hormonal birth control.
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  • Research roundup: September 2024 edition
    Ongoing support for forgoing Rh testing in early pregnancy, medication abortion before six weeks, provider bias on contraceptive counseling adolescents, and local anesthesia before procedural abortion.
    Ongoing support for forgoing Rh testing in early pregnancy, medication abortion before six weeks, provider bias on contraceptive counseling adolescents, and local anesthesia before procedural abortion.
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  • Research roundup: August 2024 edition
    U.S. MEC and U.S. SPR, standard dosing of UPA EC for people of all body sizes, birth control information on TikTok, and safety of medication abortion without screening ultrasound.
    U.S. MEC and U.S. SPR, standard dosing of UPA EC for people of all body sizes, birth control information on TikTok, and safety of medication abortion without screening ultrasound
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  • Research roundup: July 2024 edition
    Doctor-messengers are valuable communicators about abortion, impact of the shot on medication abortion efficacy, common misconceptions about IUDs, and precoital EC.
    Doctor-messengers are valuable communicators about abortion, impact of the shot on medication abortion efficacy, common misconceptions about IUDs, and precoital EC.
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  • Research roundup: June 2024 edition
    Factors that increase risk for deep or nonpalpable implant, 12-hour vs. 24-hour mifepristone-misoprostol interval, and two studies reinforcing the safety and efficacy of no-test medication abortion.
    Factors that increase risk for deep or nonpalpable implant, 12-hour vs. 24-hour mifepristone-misoprostol interval, and two studies reinforcing the safety and efficacy of no-test medication abortion.
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  • Research roundup: May 2024 edition
    Patient characteristics of IUD placement under sedation, two studies on EC efficacy, substance use and anxiety among patients seeking an abortion, and genital herpes prevalence.
    Patient characteristics of IUD placement under sedation, two studies on EC efficacy, substance use and anxiety among patients seeking an abortion, and genital herpes prevalence.
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  • Research roundup: April 2024 edition
    A patient-centered decision aid for tubal sterilization counseling, IUD self-removal experiences, and counseling about pain and medication abortion.
    A patient-centered decision aid for tubal sterilization counseling, IUD self-removal experiences, and counseling about pain and medication abortion.
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  • Research roundup: March 2024 edition
    OTC birth control pill self-selection, adherence, and interest; IUD expulsion risks; and IUD and implant side effects.
    OTC birth control pill self-selection, adherence, and interest; IUD expulsion risks; and IUD and implant side effects.
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  • Research roundup: February 2024 edition
    Abortion information on TikTok, doxy-PEP effectiveness in cis-gendered women; new data on UPA-EC and implant insertion; and a survey of pain with IUD insertion.
    Abortion information on TikTok, doxy-PEP effectiveness in cis-gendered women; new data on UPA-EC and implant insertion; and a survey of pain with IUD insertion.
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  • Research roundup: January 2024 edition
    Young people’s concerns about birth control and fertility, expanding EPT and PrEP in the ED, spike in EC demand around the New Year, and abortion decision making.
    Young people’s concerns about birth control and fertility, expanding EPT and PrEP in the ED, spike in EC demand around the New Year, and abortion decision making.
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  • Research roundup: 2023 highlights
    Highlighting one notable research article from each Research Roundup in 2023.
    Highlighting one notable research article from each Research Roundup in 2023.
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  • Research roundup: November 2023 edition
    Pain management during procedural abortion, serum etonogestrel levels not associated with mood changes during implant use, and clinical considerations when patients are traveling for abortion care.
    Pain management during procedural abortion, serum etonogestrel levels not associated with mood changes during implant use, and clinical considerations when patients are traveling for abortion care.
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  • Research roundup: October 2023 edition
    Pain management in abortion care, risk of Rh sensitization with abortion before 12 weeks’ gestation, and contraception information on TikTok.
    Pain management in abortion care, risk of Rh sensitization with abortion before 12 weeks’ gestation, and contraception information on TikTok.
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  • Research roundup: September 2023 edition
    Patients' preferences for contraceptive educational materials, management of missing IUD strings and migrated IUDs, and providers’ perspectives on how to improve contraceptive counseling.
    Patients' preferences for contraceptive educational materials, management of missing IUD strings and migrated IUDs, and providers’ perspectives on how to improve contraceptive counseling.
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  • Research roundup: August 2023 edition
    COX-2 inhibitor demonstrates potential in increasing efficacy of OTC LNG-EC pills; updated systematic review and meta-analysis supporting the effectiveness and safety of misoprostol-alone for medication abortion; support needs of adolescents and young adult abortion seekers; and more!
    COX-2 inhibitor demonstrates potential in increasing efficacy of OTC LNG-EC pills; updated systematic review and meta-analysis supporting the effectiveness and safety of misoprostol-alone for medication abortion; support needs of adolescents and young adult abortion seekers; and more!
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  • Research roundup: July 2023 edition
    Continued support for misoprostol-only regimens for medication abortion and self-managed abortion between nine and 16 weeks gestation, the use of home pregnancy tests for follow-up care after a telehealth medication abortion, where adolescents and young adults go online to get abortion information, and disparities in recommended retesting for women with trichomonas vaginalis infections.
    Continued support for misoprostol-only regimens for medication abortion and self-managed abortion between nine and 16 weeks gestation, the use of home pregnancy tests for follow-up care after a telehealth medication abortion, where adolescents and young adults go online to get abortion information, and disparities in recommended retesting for women with trichomonas vaginalis infections.
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  • Research roundup: June 2023 edition
    Men’s willingness to use novel birth control, characteristics of patients seeking telehealth medication abortion care, mifepristone as a potential treatment for adenomyosis, and the impact of the pill on adolescent bone health.
    Men’s willingness to use novel birth control, characteristics of patients seeking telehealth medication abortion care, mifepristone as a potential treatment for adenomyosis, and the impact of the pill on adolescent bone health.
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  • Research roundup: May 2023 edition
    Initial reports from the ongoing narrative collection Care Post Roe documenting poor-quality care, patient perspectives on telehealth medication abortion, adolescent preferences and experiences with pregnancy options counseling, and more.
    Initial reports from the ongoing narrative collection Care Post Roe documenting poor-quality care, patient perspectives on telehealth medication abortion, adolescent preferences and experiences with pregnancy options counseling, and more.
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  • Research roundup: April 2023 edition
    Perceived pain and sedation dosing during abortion procedures by demographics, PAPP-A as a novel screening for gestational age before medication abortion, patient experiences with progestin-only pills and attitudes towards OTC access.
    Perceived pain and sedation dosing during abortion procedures by demographics, PAPP-A as a novel screening for gestational age before medication abortion, patient experiences with progestin-only pills and attitudes towards OTC access.
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  • Research roundup: March 2023 edition
    tags:research, abortion
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  • Research roundup: February 2023 edition
    Support for safety and efficacy of self-managed misoprostol-only medication abortion, medication abortion information on TikTok, and the impact of the shot and IUDs on vaginal flora.
    Support for safety and efficacy of self-managed misoprostol-only medication abortion, medication abortion information on TikTok, and the impact of the shot and IUDs on vaginal flora.
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  • Research roundup: January 2023 edition
    A systemic review of “no-test” medication abortion, using an allis clamp during IUD placement, a trial of gabapentin for pain management during second-trimester abortions, and at-home urine pregnancy testing for follow-up of immediate management of an undesired pregnancy of unknown location.
    A systemic review of “no-test” medication abortion, using an allis clamp during IUD placement, a trial of gabapentin for pain management during a second-trimester abortion, and at-home urine pregnancy testing for follow-up of immediate management of an undesired pregnancy of unknown location.
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  • Research roundup: December 2022 edition
    #IUD on TikTok, factors associated with pain during medication abortion, continuation rates of IUDs placed as EC at one year, and racial differences in birth control method provision for adolescents.
    #IUD on TikTok, factors associated with pain during medication abortion, continuation rates of IUDs placed as EC at one year, and racial differences in birth control method provision for adolescents.
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  • Research roundup: November 2022 edition
    Health care provider misconceptions about birth control as an abortifacient, a comprehension study of an over-the-counter combination birth control pill label, an updated Consensus from ACOG on menstrual suppression, and the effect of state-level abortion restrictions on early pregnancy loss management.
    tags:abortion, research, #freethepill, IUD
    Health care provider misconceptions about birth control as an abortifacient, a comprehension study of an over-the-counter combination birth control pill label, an updated Consensus from ACOG on menstrual suppression, and the effect of state-level abortion restrictions on early pregnancy loss management.
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  • Research roundup: October 2022 edition
    Trends in bHCG levels after medication abortion, a novel implant removal device, trends in IUD self-removal during the COVID-19 pandemic, and support for the patient-centeredness of telehealth birth control and abortion care.
    tags:research, abortion, telehealth
    Trends in bHCG levels after medication abortion, a novel implant removal device, trends in IUD self-removal during the COVID-19 pandemic, and support for the patient-centeredness of telehealth birth control and abortion care.
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  • Research roundup: September 2022 edition
    Pain management for medication abortion, support for eight years of use for a LNG 52mg IUD (Mirena and Liletta), IUD placement within 48 hours after medication abortion, and more.
    Pain management for medication abortion, support for eight years of use for a LNG 52mg IUD (Mirena and Liletta), IUD placement within 48 hours after medication abortion, and more.
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  • Research roundup: August 2022 edition
    Ketamine versus fentanyl for pain management during abortion procedures, three studies supporting telehealth, evidence that people can correctly and consistently use progestin-only pills, and more.
    Ketamine versus fentanyl for pain management during abortion procedures, three studies supporting telehealth, evidence that people can correctly and consistently use progestin-only pills, and more.
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  • Research roundup: July 2022 edition
    Management of retained products of conception and a comparison of buccal and vaginal misoprostol for medication abortion, contraceptive values and preferences of adolescents and young adults, and more.
    tags:abortion, birth control, research
    Management of retained products of conception and a comparison of buccal and vaginal misoprostol for medication abortion, contraceptive values and preferences of adolescents and young adults, and more.
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  • Research roundup: June 2022 edition
    Effective emergency contraception for individuals with obesity, the need for a reproductive justice lens in contraceptive counseling, a new treatment for bacterial vaginosis, and more. 
    Effective emergency contraception for individuals with obesity, the need for a reproductive justice lens in contraceptive counseling, a new treatment for bacterial vaginosis, and more. 
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  • Research roundup: April 2022 edition
    Substantial support for over-the-counter abortion medication, benefits and risks of immediate post partum IUD and implant insertions, expanding access to the full range of emergency contraceptive options, and more.
    Substantial support for over-the-counter abortion medication, benefits and risks of immediate post partum IUD and implant insertions, expanding access to the full range of emergency contraceptive options, and more.
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  • Research roundup: March 2022 edition
    Benefits of increasing single-visit access to contraception, Black women’s experience with racism in reproductive health care in the U.S., the relationship between contraceptive satisfaction and sexual well-being, and more.
    tags:abortion, birth control, research
    Benefits of increasing single-visit access to contraception, Black women’s experience with racism in reproductive health care in the U.S., the relationship between contraceptive satisfaction and sexual well-being, and more.
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  • Research roundup: February 2022 edition
    Importance of a reproductive justice framework in contraceptive counseling, single-dose secnidazole to treat trichomoniasis, timing of post-partum placement of hormonal IUDs, and more.
    tags:abortion, research
    Importance of a reproductive justice framework in contraceptive counseling, single-dose secnidazole to treat trichomoniasis, timing of post-partum placement of hormonal IUDs, and more.
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  • Research roundup: January 2022 edition
    An analysis of the necessity for escort requirements in abortion care, tamoxifen to help with bleeding for implant users, depression and its possible correlation with unintended pregnancy, methods for remote gestational age assessment, and more.
    An analysis of the necessity for escort requirements in abortion care, tamoxifen to help with bleeding for implant users, depression and its possible correlation with unintended pregnancy, methods for remote gestational age assessment, and more.
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  • Research roundup: December 2021 edition
    Pregnancy intentions and outcomes in transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive populations, PMS and PMDD treatment with OCPs, HPV vaccination in boys and men, increasing PreP awareness through more culturally competent materials, and more.
    Pregnancy intentions and outcomes in transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive populations, PMS and PMDD treatment with OCPs, HPV vaccination in boys and men, increasing PreP awareness through more culturally competent materials, and more.
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  • Research roundup: November 2021 edition
    Intracervical block vs naproxen for pain during IUD insertion, IUD use in transgender and gender-diverse individuals, self-administration of the Depo shot, and more.
    tags:abortion, research, the shot
    Intracervical block vs. naproxen for pain during IUD insertion, IUD use in transgender and gender-diverse individuals, self-administration of the Depo shot, and more.
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  • Research roundup: October 2021 edition
    Novel ulipristal-releasing copper IUD, internal medicine physicians’ provision of medication abortion in a primary care setting, analysis of contraceptive decision aids for adolescents and young adults, and more.
    tags:abortion, #freethepill, research
    Novel ulipristal-releasing copper IUD, internal medicine physicians’ provision of medication abortion in a primary care setting, analysis of contraceptive decision aids for adolescents and young adults, and more.
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  • Research roundup: September 2021 edition
    Society of Family Planning's clinical recommendations for pain control in surgical abortion care, potential reversible hormonal male contraceptive option, restricted abortion access among incarcerated populations, and more.
    Society of Family Planning's clinical recommendations for pain control in surgical abortion care, potential reversible hormonal male contraceptive option, restricted abortion access among incarcerated populations, and more.
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  • Research roundup: August 2021 edition
    Provision of medication abortion via telehealth, updated CDC treatment guidelines for sexually-transmitted infections, barriers to IUD and implant access for adolescent and young adult patients, and more.
    Provision of medication abortion via telehealth, updated CDC treatment guidelines for sexually-transmitted infections, barriers to IUD and implant access for adolescent and young adult patients, and more.
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  • Research roundup: July 2021 edition
    Usage of combined oral contraceptives to manage PMS and PMDD symptoms, surgical abortion pain management for patients with opioid use disorder, risks associated with post-placental IUD placement, and more.
    Usage of combined oral contraceptives to manage PMS and PMDD symptoms, surgical abortion pain management for patients with opioid use disorder, risks associated with post-placental IUD placement, and more.
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  • Research roundup: June 2021 edition
    In-clinic vs pharmacy provision of medication abortion, cost barriers to contraceptive access among community college students, opportunities for PrEP counseling for adolescent and young adults, and more.
    In-clinic vs pharmacy provision of medication abortion, cost barriers to contraceptive access among community college students, opportunities for PrEP counseling for adolescent and young adults, and more.
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  • Clinical minute: How long are IUDs and implants effective?
    What providers need to know when talking to patients about evidence-based recommendations about IUD and implant duration of use and effectiveness.
    What providers need to know when talking to patients about evidence-based recommendations about IUD and implant duration of use and effectiveness.
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  • How to answer your patient’s most frequently asked questions about abortion
    Honest answers—supported by facts and research—and patient resources too!
    Honest answers—supported by facts and research—and patient resources too!
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  • Research roundup: April 2021 edition
    Public health benefits of widespread HPV vaccination, potential for IUDs to be placed as emergency contraception 6-14 days after unprotected vaginal sex, etonogestrel implants to help with pelvic pain, and more.
    Public health benefits of widespread HPV vaccination, potential for IUDs to be placed as emergency contraception 6-14 days after unprotected vaginal sex, etonogestrel implants to help with pelvic pain, and more.
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  • Clinical minute: Placing an IUD after unprotected sex
    What providers need to know about placing a levonorgestrel intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) after unprotected sex.
    What providers need to know about placing a levonorgestrel intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) after unprotected sex.
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  • Research roundup: March 2021 edition
    Importance of trans-inclusive clinics and accessible education on evidence-based self-managed abortion techniques for gender-expansive individuals, an update to the CDC’s treatment guidelines for gonococcal infection, the effects of stigma and barriers to access on abortion method preference, and more.
    Importance of trans-inclusive clinics and accessible education on evidence-based self-managed abortion techniques for gender-expansive individuals, an update to the CDC’s treatment guidelines for gonococcal infection, the effects of stigma and barriers to access on abortion method preference, and more.
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  • Research roundup: May 2021 edition
    Pre-treatment with mifepristone for pain management in first-trimester surgical abortion care, high patient and provider satisfaction with telemedicine contraceptive counseling, an update to the CDC’s recommendation on self-administered DMPA-SC, and more.
    Pre-treatment with mifepristone for pain management in first-trimester surgical abortion care, high patient and provider satisfaction with telemedicine contraceptive counseling, an update to the CDC’s recommendation on self-administered DMPA-SC, and more.
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  • Research roundup: February 2021 edition
    Comparable effectiveness of Levonorgestrel and copper IUDs as emergency contraception, use of the Natural Cycles app for fertility awareness contraceptive method, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation as highly effective pain management in medication abortion care, and more.
    Comparable effectiveness of Levonorgestrel and copper IUDs as emergency contraception, use of the Natural Cycles app for fertility awareness contraceptive method, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation as highly effective pain management in medication abortion care, and more.
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  • Research roundup: December 2020 edition
    An analysis of the use of verbal anesthesia vs. oral tramadol for pain management in IUD placement, potential effectiveness of DMPA as a self-bridging emergency contraceptive, the importance of access to PrEP among people at risk of HIV infection through receptive vaginal intercourse, and more.
    An analysis of the use of verbal anesthesia vs. oral tramadol for pain management in IUD placement, potential effectiveness of DMPA as a self-bridging emergency contraceptive, the importance of access to PrEP among people at risk of HIV infection through receptive vaginal intercourse, and more.
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  • Research roundup: November 2020 edition
    Improved patient satisfaction with the implementation of One Key Question in primary care and OB/GYN care settings, increasing access to STI screening for adolescents and young adults, the need to improve contraceptive care for patients with a history of intimate partner violence, and more.
    Improved patient satisfaction with the implementation of One Key Question in primary care and OB/GYN care settings, increasing access to STI screening for adolescents and young adults, the need to improve contraceptive care for patients with a history of intimate partner violence, and more.
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  • Take the survey!
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  • Research roundup: October 2020 edition
    IUD use and a demonstrated decreased risk of ovarian cancer, salpingectomy vs. tubal ligation for sterilization, benefits of non-medical treatment options for recurrent bacterial vaginosis, and more.
    IUD use and a demonstrated decreased risk of ovarian cancer, salpingectomy vs. tubal ligation for sterilization, benefits of non-medical treatment options for recurrent bacterial vaginosis, and more.
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  • Research roundup: August 2020 edition
    The benefit of ultrasound guidance in IUD placement for patients with retroverted uteri, a demonstrated need for trauma-informed care in sexually-transmitted disease clinics, demand among abortion patients for more autonomous care options, and more.
    The benefit of ultrasound guidance in IUD placement for patients with retroverted uteri, a demonstrated need for trauma-informed care in sexually-transmitted disease clinics, demand among abortion patients for more autonomous care options, and more.
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  • Research roundup: July 2020 edition
    Society of Family Planning’s clinical recommendations for contraceptive counseling for transgender and gender-expansive patients, the positive effect of levonorgestrel IUDs on female sexual function, barriers to abortion care within religious hospital systems, and more.
    Society of Family Planning’s clinical recommendations for contraceptive counseling for transgender and gender-expansive patients, the positive effect of levonorgestrel IUDs on female sexual function, barriers to abortion care within religious hospital systems, and more.
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  • Research roundup: June 2020 edition
    Improved access to abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic through implementation of a no-test protocol for medication abortion, use of Lactin-V in treatment of recurrent bacterial vaginosis, importance of expanded access to postpartum contraceptive options to improve both maternal and fetal outcomes, and more.
    Improved access to abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic through implementation of a no-test protocol for medication abortion, use of Lactin-V in treatment of recurrent bacterial vaginosis, importance of expanded access to postpartum contraceptive options to improve both maternal and fetal outcomes, and more.
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  • Research roundup: May 2020 edition
    Support for the integration of reproductive health care in the primary care setting, noncontraceptive benefits of hormonal contraception, use of patient decision aids in shared decision making in obstetrics and gynecology care, and more.
    Support for the integration of reproductive health care in the primary care setting, noncontraceptive benefits of hormonal contraception, use of patient decision aids in shared decision making in obstetrics and gynecology care, and more.
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  • Research roundup: April 2020 edition
    The ACOG Committee Opinion’s stance on telehealth, an analysis of the safety and efficacy of self-administered vs. provider-administered medication abortion, influential factors in postpartum contraception use and short inter pregnancy intervals, and more.
    tags:birth control, how to, research
    The ACOG Committee Opinion’s stance on telehealth, an analysis of the safety and efficacy of self-administered vs. provider-administered medication abortion, influential factors in postpartum contraception use and short inter pregnancy intervals, and more.
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  • Research roundup: February 2020 edition
    An analysis of the benefits and risks of immediate postpartum IUD insertion, demonstrated improved health outcomes for society as a whole with universal access to contraception, a systematic review of studies of the efficacy and safety of extended IUD use, and more.
    An analysis of the benefits and risks of immediate postpartum IUD insertion, demonstrated improved health outcomes for society as a whole with universal access to contraception, a systematic review of studies of the efficacy and safety of extended IUD use, and more.
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  • Research roundup: January 2020 edition
    The CDC’s 2020 recommendations for evidence-based STD care, telehealth abortion consultations to help patients overcome barriers to care, a systematic review of the use of misoprostol prior to IUD insertion, and more.
    The CDC’s 2020 recommendations for evidence-based STD care, telehealth abortion consultations to help patients overcome barriers to care, a systematic review of the use of misoprostol prior to IUD insertion, and more.
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  • Research roundup: November 2019 edition
    The ACOG Committee Opinion’s support for over-the-counter hormonal contraception, efficacy of intracervical blocks for pain management during levonorgestrel IUD placement, studies on the mechanism of function of ulipristal acetate, and more.
    The ACOG Committee Opinion’s support for over-the-counter hormonal contraception, efficacy of intracervical blocks for pain management during levonorgestrel IUD placement, studies on the mechanism of function of ulipristal acetate, and more.
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  • Research roundup: September 2019 edition
    An analysis of the efficacy and safety of telehealth medication abortion care, IUD use and a decreased risk of ovarian cancer, widespread support for HPV vaccination, and more.
    An analysis of the efficacy and safety of telehealth medication abortion care, IUD use and a decreased risk of ovarian cancer, widespread support for HPV vaccination, and more.
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